Monday, June 4, 2007

Enjoy what life has to offer!

Salam to all,

Thank you very much!

I received two comments from my colleague today. His brief thought make me to agree with his view. Yes, you are 100% right. It is so sweet to be able to talk or receive email from long time not see friend for 6 to 7 years and he/she is doing well. Some will shy away due to feel inadequate or too much occupied with own personal matters like having families or work load at the office.I also had some feelong before l contacted my friend who obtained her phd at the age of 30! I am so jealous of her! But when l ask about doing phd in UK. She wrote her emails and answered all my questions very well with lots of tips and guidance. She even invited my to see her any time that l wish!I felt so good after talking and reading her mails.

No matter what, l do believe in human relationship is the best treatment to curb daily stress.We never know by meeting someone or close friends, like Allah has mentioned , it will make our life more longer and more blessings in life.

Golden rule no. 1 - Believe in whatever we have done is enough and do not compare with others. They might have very good reasons to have what we do not have YET!We also will come to their level or even better, who knows?

No. 2 - Eliminate negative thoughts that cross our minds like feeling low. We must built up our spirit.

No. 3 - Just be ourself.Reflect what is in our heart sincerely. It will show in our face

Make sure each trip or call our friends, we start with salam and ask whether he/she is free to talk or write. Do not worry if they are late in replying. Take note in advance that they might be busy and carry on with our life. One day, they will let us know there whereabouts.

It is also increase our confidence whenever our frinds who are doing very well in their life give suggestions or ideas for us to improve ourselves. It comes from the bottom of their hearts.

Enjoy life is to appreciate our friends and be able to share ideas even without seeing them in person.


Wadi: said...

Dear Farhah,

Thanks for your post and sorry for the gap in responding. I always pray many more Malaysians to pursue their PhD dreams. Of course, there are many rollercoaster stories. Yet, with strong preserverance and innovative guidance, you could achieve it. As for myself, I am weighing my options painstakingly and Insya'Allah, with Istikharah, I will be able to make the rationale headway. Of course, would like to meeting you, Najmi and kids. Will let you know my time availability.

Keep up motivating our young people! A noble effort indeed.


Anonymous said...

A true friend indeed is a precious and rare treasure.