Friday, May 16, 2008


Salam to dear all,

It has been such a long time since, l have the opportunity to update my blog!
Due to enormous dateline, preparation for paper presentation at 8th Annual International Conference on Business at Honolulu, Waikiki, USA from 22-25/5/08. I will be departing from KLIA from 20/5 onwards and will return to Msia on 28/5/08.

Last night, l gave entreprenuer talk for two (2) hours to students.
Really enjoyed giving talk to them...

Best of luck and Mahalo! (Thank you)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Regarding the talk that Puan give last night,i have some questions to ask Puan. I don`t know where actually to ask,so here it is ;
i)If a company `gulung tikar`,then for some time,the owner wants to start it up again,can he re-use the previous company name?
ii)I myself not a diploma n degree holder,can i open up a business? I have no knowledge about business. Where should i go?

Before doing freelance marketing with AmAssurance(AmBank Group),i used to sell cars,work as sales assistant with Jaya Jusco,7-11. All have to do with sales.